
One common misconception that people have when it comes to blindfolded turning is that the focus is increasing your turning speed and trying to turn as fast as possible, but this is pretty much untrue!

If you ever watch top 3x3 blindfolded solvers' solves, you might notice the fast turning, but that’s actually a product of (pretty much) not locking up and pausing. The important part of that sentence that you should strive for is the last part - if you’re not locking up and not pausing, you’ll have an easier time improving your turning. While there is still some aspect of turning speed, as long as you’re using somewhat reasonable fingertricks (regrip if you think the way you’re executing an alg leads to a somewhat weird fingertrick).

If you strive for not pausing or locking up, which basically means you’re transitioning between your comms fairly well, then you’ll have a better time with getting better at blindfolded turning.